GT09 – Bickleton

The sign was washed out from the sun angle. Had a great piece of pie across the street, fresh from the oven. (Well as close as the car drive to the store.)
First time I’ve ridden this going west, for some reason we ride this out from Portland. Didn’t get the deer wandering around in the picture.
Samuel Moore

GT16 – Steptoe

Rain and hail from Lewiston/Moscow (rode the old highway twice). Was a nice break from the heat the prior days at the Pendleton Bike Week.
I’d been by here bunches of time but never stopped – most vivid memory was hawks and one seagull soaring on the uplift wind on the west side of the road up.
Had the place to myself!

Samuel Moore

GT21 – Moscow

Had an interesting chat with the local PD, he was giving someone a ticket and they pulled off into the Cemetery to get off the road. Didn’t know I was going to have weather challenges ahead!
Samuel Moore